Monday, June 11, 2012

Inactive susceptible to arteriosclerosis obliterans

Types of common heart disease - heart disease Baike Heart disease, Heart attack, Heart failure, Respiratory diseases, lung diseases
In their daily lives, we will encounter such a situation occurs when we have long maintained a posture of the phenomenon of paralysis. The elderly blood circulation is not as good as young and good, if long-term movement easily lead to osteoporosis, and that these diseases often lead to the occurrence of senile arteriosclerosis obliterans. Elderly long inactive hazards Research shows that arterial occlusive disease is a systemic arterial damage, long sit-in will lead to the loss of a large number of old body calcium, resulting in fragile bone looser. , But also the increase in body fat, weight gain, blood pressure, lead to complications such as diabetes, coronary heart disease and stroke. In spirit, cause depression, emptiness, and ultimately lead to physical and mental illnesses. And prone to suffering from arteriosclerosis obliterans.  Treatment of arteriosclerosis obliterans doctor pointed out that the elderly do not have a long time in the gym to exercise, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and actively participate in social activities, do some walking, walking, cycling and other activities, and increase some references basket, endorsement package to improve endurance exercise, so as to avoid human muscle relaxation retirement, to promote bone health, prevent arteriosclerosis obliterans, is conducive to longevity. The elderly is due to age, so do not want to exercise, it may lead to arteriosclerosis obliterans. So the elderly do not because the older do not do exercise, contrary to the positive do some physical exercise to prevent the occurrence of arteriosclerosis obliterans. The elderly must maintain a certain amount of movement a day. It is the only body parts aging to maintain basic physiological functions. Health, had a quality of old age.
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